Value your articles
and reportages

Through Tutelio Journalism you can protect your projects from plagiarism and improper use. Register them now: it is fast, safe and free.

To be a good journalist you need attitude, the nose for a story, and the pursuit of truth but you also need to safeguard your own work.

Before sending the articles and reportages to a newspaper or editor it is important to make sure you protect the authorship of your own work. Tutelio files your projects and defends you in case of plagiarism or improper use of your works on the web. Furthermore, with Tutelio Care, you have a network of professionals ready to help you negotiate your author’s right with third parties.

What can you protect?

Travel journal
Reportage with photos

Some Tutelio Journalism images

Register your first reportage. It’s free.

  • Projects
  • Users
  • Tutelio Caveau

    Secure storage of the paternity certificate and protected files

  • Tutelio Care

    Dedicated assistance and coverage of part of the legal costs in case of plagiarism or illegal use

  • Unlimited Unlimited
  • Up to 2 users
  • Caveau Plus

    15GB of secure storage

  • -

per user
monthly billing

  • Unlimited Unlimited
  • Unlimited Users
  • Caveau Plus

    40GB of secure storage

  • Tutelio Care Plus

per user
monthly billing

  • Didn't find the solution for you?
  • Let's find your solution together.


  • Projects
  • Tutelio Caveau

    Secure storage of the paternity certificate and protected files

  • Tutelio Care

    Dedicated assistance and coverage of part of the legal costs in case of plagiarism or illegal use

  • 3 3
  • Tutelio Caveau: 15 days

  • -


  • Unlimited Projects
  • Tutelio Caveau: Unlimited

    30GB of secure storage

  • Included

per month with annual billing


The latest news on journalism

Tutelio è partner ufficiale di Canon

Forte della pubblicazione della nuova piattaforma di tutela dei progetti fotografici, Tutelio è lieta di presentare il servizio in collaborazione con la migliore azienda di imaging al mondo. Alle spalle…


Any doubts about?

Contact us at any time
whatsapp • telegram +39 380 7994983

The copyright of an article, a text or a photo, lasts up to 70 years after the journalist’s death. During this period no renewal is necessary. Only the author or his heirs have the exclusive right to authorize any reproduction of the pieces in newspapers, books, collections and so on.
Article 10 clause 1 and 3 of the Berne Convention states: “It shall be permissible to make quotations from a work […], provided that their making is compatible with fair practice, and their extent does not exceed that justified by the purpose, including quotations from newspaper articles and periodicals.” and ”[…] mention shall be made of the source, and of the name of the author if it appears thereon.”
The free plan makes it possible to generate evidence of protection of equal effectiveness and duration compared to all others. The difference between the plans concerns only additional services such as the secure storage of certified files (Caveau) and advanced assistance (Tutelio Care).

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